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Roasted Cabbage with Parmesan and fake meat thing


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The main star of this meal was the cabbage. I followed the recipe below and I didn't need to make many changes except I used shredded cabbage. I think the only thing I did was let it cook a bit longer to brown. The cheese was very important as it enhanced the cabbage flavor. Otherwise, I think it may have just been bland. I used real ground parmesan as opposed to the fake stuff. I thought it came out really well. Some of the cabbage was more browned but there was a nice mix of flavor and char. And, as I said, the cheese really came through and brought out the flavor of the rest.

Shredding it was also really easy. I peeled the outer layers and then quartered it. I cut diagonally to remove the core. Then I used the mandolin to slice it along one of the flat edges. Super easy and quick.

I also threw together a protein part. It is basically sautéd onions with some Trader Joes fake beef strips. I added some red wine dijon sauce (used here[@rev] and here[@rev]). I do not love the beef strips, but I had them and wanted to use them up.

Roasted Savoy Cabbage with Parmesan (from Daily Unadventurous in Cooking)

(2014-01-08 Note: This recipe was added to My Recipe Book[@rev])

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 2811, 2012-10-31_202604